
Showing posts from 2010

Evil Angel

Did I jus die or did an angel walk into the room? I said to myself as I woke up, startled.. Was it a lie? Was it a dream? Or yet another fantasy slightly extreme! Was it a memory of the past, long forgotten? Or is it just me waiting for something exciting to happen? So much there is to look forward to, as there is to forget, I lie here, confused to the core, ‘Cause there is so much happening, There’s so much to choose from, I wait for the right signals, hints to put me on to the right path, I get many, But all pointing to the one last resort, The way that’s been treaded on and left, many times before, The toughest one, but where I know my heart truly belongs…


She mourned in his absence, still unprepared Not losing hope, concealing the despair Whenever she could, she’d look out the window, Run up the stairs For her heart ached to see him, have him near Going through every new day, Was like walking bare-footed through a hot desert Trying to get back to her normal life, Wondering whether to forget what she had promised to treasure Moving about with a soul that felt shattered Left confused and broken, but still happy that it was true and really had happened.

Life With You

I dream of a beautiful life, A life with u, Like the beauty of the northern lights, That life is familiar but new… Your existence is like that of an angel, Sent from up above, Heaven is the life I dream of, ‘Cause of the way we love… I hope this never ends, ‘Cause your presence is bliss, And eternal shall be our love, Sealed with pure love’s kiss…

And its a dog's life (continued)

My story might seem like the story of almost every other dog. But that is what makes it more interesting because everyone can relate to it. Baghira might not be special for anyone else, but he is special to me, like that, every dog is special for his people and in the end, that’s all that really matters. A dog is said to be a man’s best friend… Mine has always been my only true friend. Well, after almost 3 years with him, I haven’t been able to teach him much, but he has changed a lot since his 9 months old self. I wouldn’t say I’m satisfied with it, but I definitely am happy with the change in his behavior. He sleeps with me in my room now (as he’s not allowed anywhere else in the house except my room, the stairs and the terrace), he’s fine with a selected group of people, guards the house well, and yes, does a few tricks too (with baits of course). Though he runs off with shoes, cushions or my maids clothes (which are within reach on the terrace where they are left to dry),...

Laughing the last laugh

I've dreamt of angels all my life, Been made fun of, openly, under the vast sky, Here I am, dreaming my life away! I protest, because they know They are wrong about what they think n what they say. I don’t have much to tell them, because eventually, they’ll know My life’s not like theirs, it’s more like trying n getting through. And once I do, I’ll be the one laughing at last, And they’ll be thinking about my dreams, how they had laughed; What I was, What I am, And the future i always had.

SpongeBob Mood Badge

SpongeBob Mood Badge : "Put the SpongeBob Mood badge on your page."


Fairy tales were nothing, Nothing compared to that dream...  Though beautiful, It was never meant to be,  All a lie, All a deceit... I found myself sitting under the shadow like sky,  Deep and beautiful like the sea, I looked around and saw I had everything I'd hoped for, Everything I wanted was there with me. Thought about how I got where I was, how I got so lucky, And just then, it started to rain, It lasted not for long,  But long enough to make me see,  It had happened before, it happened again, As each drop trickled down my face, It's sweetness mixed with salty tears,  I realised it was just another dream, And some things just aren't meant to be...

Life as we Know it

I often wonder.., Is it really so difficult to show what’s on one’s mind? What they really want? What they think of certain things? I’ve always been curious to know what others think. NO! Not about me. But in general, how they perceive certain things, May it be about the world or things like day to day life or relationships, or even a piece of music, or maybe even a painting… It does not have a psychological explanation. Some things are so connected to us but still somehow so out of bounds and unexplainable. Some things that we can’t have control over. But is it really so hard to understand others? We can talk. Isn’t this fact supposed to make us superior to other species? Then why is it so that we are the most complicated beings in this world? Animals have tough lives, but their lives are still simpler and less complicated somehow… Is it because everything good or better has worse consequences to it? Like if we talk about relationships, then mostly it’s been so that the one ...

And its a dog's life

Life couldn’t possibly get worse. It was a time when I was at the height of suffering, suffering from the same old problems a young adult faces… Although I’d had worse times before, but maybe now I had lost the energy and patience to face it all. I used to make every possible effort to check myself again and again, trying not to do anything that would make me regret, make me suffer more, make me repay anyhow. Maybe my efforts just weren’t enough. But these weren’t the only things that bothered me. One of my greatest worries was Baghira, my nine month old Black Labrador who stood by me through all my vicissitudes. He was one guy I could count on at anytime. It was like I could almost compare my life with his. I loved Baghira. But then again, there was a problem, not one but many problems. Baghira was a pain in the backside for my family but I couldn’t give him away. He could understand me so well. But the way my family, except for my mom, used to treat him made me cry. I couldn’t see ...