And its a dog's life, Chapter III
It all started a few years back. I have always been inclined towards animals, may it be a pet or a homeless one wandering in the streets or even a runaway from the wild. I have always had some or other animal dropping into my house injured or famished and I’ve never let it leave without being attended to or properly cared for. I’ve had parrots, a crow (its wing was injured, and after getting it cured, I released it, which was best for it), a homeless kitten (who ran away later), a whole family of cats, rabbits, white mice (which I still have, not the same ones though), and a few more. So, there was this whole gang of dogs opposite my house, 4 puppies, their parents, and another female pup. One fine day, one of the puppies came over to my side of the street. It was an adorable female. She was frightened of me at first, but after a little interaction, we got along just fine and she sort of trusted me from that moment on. I fed her and took more food for the others. Feeding the dogs...