
Showing posts from November 13, 2010


She mourned in his absence, still unprepared Not losing hope, concealing the despair Whenever she could, she’d look out the window, Run up the stairs For her heart ached to see him, have him near Going through every new day, Was like walking bare-footed through a hot desert Trying to get back to her normal life, Wondering whether to forget what she had promised to treasure Moving about with a soul that felt shattered Left confused and broken, but still happy that it was true and really had happened.

Life With You

I dream of a beautiful life, A life with u, Like the beauty of the northern lights, That life is familiar but new… Your existence is like that of an angel, Sent from up above, Heaven is the life I dream of, ‘Cause of the way we love… I hope this never ends, ‘Cause your presence is bliss, And eternal shall be our love, Sealed with pure love’s kiss…