And its a dog's life (continued)
My story might seem like the story of almost every other dog. But that is what makes it more interesting because everyone can relate to it. Baghira might not be special for anyone else, but he is special to me, like that, every dog is special for his people and in the end, that’s all that really matters. A dog is said to be a man’s best friend… Mine has always been my only true friend. Well, after almost 3 years with him, I haven’t been able to teach him much, but he has changed a lot since his 9 months old self. I wouldn’t say I’m satisfied with it, but I definitely am happy with the change in his behavior. He sleeps with me in my room now (as he’s not allowed anywhere else in the house except my room, the stairs and the terrace), he’s fine with a selected group of people, guards the house well, and yes, does a few tricks too (with baits of course). Though he runs off with shoes, cushions or my maids clothes (which are within reach on the terrace where they are left to dry),...