
Showing posts from 2011

Tomorrow we'll see..

Nothing’s ever certain, And I don’t expect it to be... Here I am now, Tomorrow’s another story... I know I wasn’t wrong, But that doesn’t mean I was right. I’m lost and confused, For now, there’s no hope in sight... The way you feigned that you wanted me, Was a deceit that I have forgiven already, Forgetting it is difficult though, But that my love, I shall never show! I can carry my blackened heart, The weight of it tearing my soul apart, It’s just a wave of despair, All you shall know is that I never cared! I’ll just stand here alone, Till you toss my heart away, I’ll just stand here alone, Till you take all the pain you gave, And I’ll be here for you, When u break my heart again, Like a dry river bed, waiting for rain...

Over me, On to me!

I’ve been this way since a while Empty and negative with a heavy-head And now I’ve run enough of those miles! You’re all over me, yet I can’t see You’re crawling on and around me And I can only feel! Are you really there? Or is this a hallucination? Is this another warning? About something bad bound to happen? I am no saint, but I’ll do what I can. I can’t be sure of anything! This is a ruthless world ruled by man Most deserve the fate they meet, Living on flesh and blood when there are other means...

A Beautiful Lie

Trying to sleep while listening to the sound of lightening outside.. Lightening, and not a drop of rain falling from the night sky.. Somehow it soothes the emptiness inside.. Not everything is beautiful, and not everything is a lie.. And at times, lie to me like I want you to, Because I'd rather believe that beautiful lie, Just for a while, so I can sleep with a smile..

Divine presence

The amorous weather tonight, Calling out to my insides… Just when I needed this get-away, Oh, how I hope it’s here to stay! Now if only I could get you here, Or just get you off my mind! Your presence, simply divine! I wonder how you’re always so serene, Nothing in the world worries you it seems. But, this romance is an adventure forbidden, And the thought of it shall always remain hidden. Now if only your sweet face would disappear, Just for a while so I can think clear…


No offence meant, I'm not targeting anyone here but simply just curious. One thing bothers me gravely. If we come to think of it, why not neuter men in India? The sole reason for them to reproduce is that they think more kids means more people to earn. They don't bother about how they'll bring up those kids. (Not all, but most.. Mainly ones who're uneducated, orthodox and poverty-stricken..) And mostly these are the people who mistreat not just animals, even their wives and children. When people justify neutering/spaying saying that it's for the betterment of those animals, they aren't meant to be in the city and they end up dying on the road and what not, I just can't help but wonder wasn't this their land before humans claimed it? Why do humans think they can own everything? Claim everything and get away with it? It's good, we try to help them in any way we can. But for once, can anybody here justify why is everyone so religiously stuck to ...

Then & Now

Another sleepless night, I just can’t seem to shut my eyes, And I’ve given up trying now! Burdened with this emptiness, There’s nothing to cure this loneliness, Is this why I can’t think straight now? Is there an explanation? A cure or may be just the reason… Or is the hollowness here to stay now? Stressed and pushed to the limits, Thoughts that pierce like fired bullets A soul that’s shattering like glass now… My strengths fading into black, Left with only words that seem to lack Is this a temporary drift or the ultimate end now?

And its a dog's life, Chap. IV

Sulking and upset from what had happened with me and the poor little puppy that wasn’t at fault but still had to go back to that horrid pet shop, I got back home after “exchanging” her with a cute little Black one in my arms. In the two days that the little one had spent with me, I’d gotten attached to her. It wasn’t easy for me to leave her even though I’d brought another one back with me. How could it be? Puppies aren’t toys that humans can play with. They are beautiful souls that have feelings and wonderful hearts, no different than those of human babies. I didn’t play with him - just fed him, went to my room and sat on the bed, crying. All I could think of was her. The way just a few hours ago, she had slept peacefully with her head on my hand and now when I think of it three years later, that’s the only memory of her that I can clearly remember. Wherever she may be, I just hope she’s okay. After coming back to my senses and realizing that neglecting the new one wasn’t exact...

Bright darkness

In the wake of dawn, As I tread upon the ashes left behind, A desire with darkness inside, Lurking within me, building up slowly, Trying to break out All was so white, so clear A winter morning, with dew everywhere, Hurting my eyes, tearing me apart, And the darkness inside, Trying to break out So passionate, so seductive, The darkness seemed to be I gave in, let it spread through me Something considered sinful, felt yet so amazing, Like all I needed was right within me It made me strong, And surprisingly at peace, Was it really darkness? That made my world serene like a bright blue sea?

And its a dog's life, Chapter III

It all started a few years back. I have always been inclined towards animals, may it be a pet or a homeless one wandering in the streets or even a runaway from the wild. I have always had some or other animal dropping into my house injured or famished and I’ve never let it leave without being attended to or properly cared for. I’ve had parrots, a crow (its wing was injured, and after getting it cured, I released it, which was best for it), a homeless kitten (who ran away later), a whole family of cats, rabbits, white mice (which I still have, not the same ones though), and a few more. So, there was this whole gang of dogs opposite my house, 4 puppies, their parents, and another female pup. One fine day, one of the puppies came over to my side of the street. It was an adorable female. She was frightened of me at first, but after a little interaction, we got along just fine and she sort of trusted me from that moment on. I fed her and took more food for the others. Feeding the dogs...