No offence meant, I'm not targeting anyone here but simply just curious.
One thing bothers me gravely. If we come to think of it, why not neuter men in India? The sole reason for them to reproduce is that they think more kids means more people to earn. They don't bother about how they'll bring up those kids. (Not all, but most.. Mainly ones who're uneducated, orthodox and poverty-stricken..) And mostly these are the people who mistreat not just animals, even their wives and children.
When people justify neutering/spaying saying that it's for the betterment of those animals, they aren't meant to be in the city and they end up dying on the road and what not, I just can't help but wonder wasn't this their land before humans claimed it? Why do humans think they can own everything? Claim everything and get away with it?
It's good, we try to help them in any way we can. But for once, can anybody here justify why is everyone so religiously stuck to the idea of literally making them extinct by getting each and every dog sterilized?
What when there aren't any dogs left to feed? None of you support breeding of course, so what when all these dogs die? It will take an amazing lot of time but the way most dogs have been cut open by now, how long till their species will be written down as "extinct"?
These lands on which we're sitting right now, and claim that they're so rightfully ours, were there's before.
The only reason there are leopards and god knows what all wild animals coming in to cities or villages is that they hardly have enough space left. They are very territorial. They can't go on other animals' land, they can't come here and most of there space has been taken up by humans.
the minds of people need to be changed. Educating them on the first hand is much more important. what i feel is that instead of cursing these thoughts of people about them saying to neuter animals; why not focus more and step ahead to educate them ! .... just a thought !taking initiative for the first step leads to further results automatically !
ReplyDeleteIt's often the educated ones who fool around with animals.
ReplyDeleteBesides, I know of many people who're working for orphans and under-privileged kids. Some of don't even want to learn. They run away, steal, just aren't bothered to catch up on the studies and what not! They want the easy way out. Not all of them, but some!
My friends are volunteering over the summer to teach at NGOs like Neev. I don't pester them to work for animals instead of humans. I believe much can be achieved if people unite together and work for any cause... May it be animals or humans.